Plant Biology Highlights: Cell Articles 2020
Every winter I go back and look at some major plant biology stories appeared in Cell, Nature, and Science. I have been doing this since 2016. Yes - 5 years in a row! Here is plant biology stories published this year in Cell.
A Pathogen-Responsive Gene Cluster for Highly Modified Fatty Acids in Tomato
In response to biotic stress, plants produce suites of highly modified fatty acids that bear unusual chemical functionalities. Despite their chemical complexity and proposed roles in pathogen defense, little is known about the biosynthesis of decorated fatty acids in plants. Falcarindiol is a prototypical acetylenic lipid present in carrot, tomato, and celery that inhibits growth of fungi and human cancer cell lines. Using a combination of untargeted metabolomics and RNA sequencing, they discovered a biosynthetic gene cluster in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) required for falcarindiol production. By reconstituting initial biosynthetic steps in a heterologous host and generating transgenic pathway mutants in tomato, they demonstrate a direct role of the cluster in falcarindiol biosynthesis and resistance to fungal and bacterial pathogens in tomato leaves. This work reveals a mechanism by which plants sculpt their lipid pool in response to pathogens and provides critical insight into the complex biochemistry of alkynyl lipid production.
DIX Domain Polymerization Drives Assembly of Plant Cell Polarity Complexes
Cell polarity is fundamental for tissue morphogenesis in multicellular organisms. Plants and animals evolved multicellularity independently, and it is unknown whether their polarity systems are derived from a single-celled ancestor. Planar polarity in animals is conferred by Wnt signaling, an ancient signaling pathway transduced by Dishevelled, which assembles signalosomes by dynamic head-to-tail DIX domain polymerization. In contrast, polarity-determining pathways in plants are elusive. We recently discovered Arabidopsis SOSEKI proteins, which exhibit polar localization throughout development. Here, they identify SOSEKI as ancient polar proteins across land plants. Concentration-dependent polymerization via a bona fide DIX domain allows these to recruit ANGUSTIFOLIA to polar sites, similar to the polymerization-dependent recruitment of signaling effectors by Dishevelled. Cross-kingdom domain swaps reveal functional equivalence of animal and plant DIX domains. They trace DIX domains to unicellular eukaryotes and thus show that DIX-dependent polymerization is an ancient mechanism conserved between kingdoms and central to polarity proteins.
Co-incidence of Damage and Microbial Patterns Controls Localized Immune Responses in Roots
Recognition of microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs) is crucial for the plant’s immune response. How this sophisticated perception system can be usefully deployed in roots, continuously exposed to microbes, remains a mystery. By analyzing MAMP receptor expression and response at cellular resolution in Arabidopsis, we observed that differentiated outer cell layers show low expression of pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs) and lack MAMP responsiveness. Yet, these cells can be gated to become responsive by neighbor cell damage. Laser ablation of small cell clusters strongly upregulates PRR expression in their vicinity, and elevated receptor expression is sufficient to induce responsiveness in non-responsive cells. Finally, localized damage also leads to immune responses to otherwise non-immunogenic, beneficial bacteria. Damage-gating is overridden by receptor overexpression, which antagonizes colonization. Their findings that cellular damage can “switch on” local immune responses helps to conceptualize how MAMP perception can be used despite the presence of microbial patterns in the soil.
Liquid-Liquid Phase Transition Drives Intra-chloroplast Cargo Sorting
In eukaryotic cells, organelle biogenesis is pivotal for cellular function and cell survival. Chloroplasts are unique organelles with a complex internal membrane network. The mechanisms of the migration of imported nuclear-encoded chloroplast proteins across the crowded stroma to thylakoid membranes are less understood. Here, we identified two Arabidopsis ankyrin-repeat proteins, STT1 and STT2, that specifically mediate sorting of chloroplast twin arginine translocation (cpTat) pathway proteins to thylakoid membranes. STT1 and STT2 form a unique hetero-dimer through interaction of their C-terminal ankyrin domains. Binding of cpTat substrate by N-terminal intrinsically disordered regions of STT complex induces liquid-liquid phase separation. The multivalent nature of STT oligomer is critical for phase separation. STT-Hcf106 interactions reverse phase separation and facilitate cargo targeting and translocation across thylakoid membranes. Thus, the formation of phase-separated droplets emerges as a novel mechanism of intra-chloroplast cargo sorting. Their findings highlight a conserved mechanism of phase separation in regulating organelle biogenesis.
A Pan-plant Protein Complex Map Reveals Deep Conservation and Novel Assemblies
Plants are foundational for global ecological and economic systems, but most plant proteins remain uncharacterized. Protein interaction networks often suggest protein functions and open new avenues to characterize genes and proteins. They therefore systematically determined protein complexes from 13 plant species of scientific and agricultural importance, greatly expanding the known repertoire of stable protein complexes in plants. By using co-fractionation mass spectrometry, we recovered known complexes, confirmed complexes predicted to occur in plants, and identified previously unknown interactions conserved over 1.1 billion years of green plant evolution. Several novel complexes are involved in vernalization and pathogen defense, traits critical for agriculture. They also observed plant analogs of animal complexes with distinct molecular assemblies, including a megadalton-scale tRNA multi-synthetase complex. The resulting map offers a cross-species view of conserved, stable protein assemblies shared across plant cells and provides a mechanistic, biochemical framework for interpreting plant genetics and mutant phenotypes.
The Penium margaritaceum Genome: Hallmarks of the Origins of Land Plants
The evolutionary features and molecular innovations that enabled plants to first colonize land are not well understood. Here, insights are provided through our report of the genome sequence of the unicellular alga Penium margaritaceum, a member of the Zygnematophyceae, the sister lineage to land plants. The genome has a high proportion of repeat sequences that are associated with massive segmental gene duplications, likely facilitating neofunctionalization. Compared with representatives of earlier diverging algal lineages, P. margaritaceum has expanded repertoires of gene families, signaling networks, and adaptive responses that highlight the evolutionary trajectory toward terrestrialization. These encompass a broad range of physiological processes and protective cellular features, such as flavonoid compounds and large families of modifying enzymes involved in cell wall biosynthesis, assembly, and remodeling. Transcriptome profiling further elucidated adaptations, responses, and selective pressures associated with the semi-terrestrial ecosystems of P. margaritaceum, where a simple body plan would be an advantage.
Major Impacts of Widespread Structural Variation on Gene Expression and Crop Improvement in Tomato
Structural variants (SVs) underlie important crop improvement and domestication traits. However, resolving the extent, diversity, and quantitative impact of SVs has been challenging. We used long-read nanopore sequencing to capture 238,490 SVs in 100 diverse tomato lines. This panSV genome, along with 14 new reference assemblies, revealed large-scale intermixing of diverse genotypes, as well as thousands of SVs intersecting genes and cis-regulatory regions. Hundreds of SV-gene pairs exhibit subtle and significant expression changes, which could broadly influence quantitative trait variation. By combining quantitative genetics with genome editing, they show how multiple SVs that changed gene dosage and expression levels modified fruit flavor, size, and production. In the last example, higher order epistasis among four SVs affecting three related transcription factors allowed introduction of an important harvesting trait in modern tomato. Their findings highlight the underexplored role of SVs in genotype-to-phenotype relationships and their widespread importance and utility in crop improvement.
A Defense Pathway Linking Plasma Membrane and Chloroplasts and Co-opted by Pathogens
Chloroplasts are crucial players in the activation of defensive hormonal responses during plant-pathogen interactions. Here, they show that a plant virus-encoded protein re-localizes from the plasma membrane to chloroplasts upon activation of plant defense, interfering with the chloroplast-dependent anti-viral salicylic acid (SA) biosynthesis. Strikingly, we have found that plant pathogens from different kingdoms seem to have convergently evolved to target chloroplasts and impair SA-dependent defenses following an association with membranes, which relies on the co-existence of two subcellular targeting signals, an N-myristoylation site and a chloroplast transit peptide. This pattern is also present in plant proteins, at least one of which conversely activates SA defenses from the chloroplast. Taken together, their results suggest that a pathway linking plasma membrane to chloroplasts and activating defense exists in plants and that such pathway has been co-opted by plant pathogens during host-pathogen co-evolution to promote virulence through suppression of SA responses.
Formation of NPR1 Condensates Promotes Cell Survival during the Plant Immune Response
In plants, pathogen effector-triggered immunity (ETI) often leads to programmed cell death, which is restricted by NPR1, an activator of systemic acquired resistance. However, the biochemical activities of NPR1 enabling it to promote defense and restrict cell death remain unclear. Here we show that NPR1 promotes cell survival by targeting substrates for ubiquitination and degradation through formation of salicylic acid-induced NPR1 condensates (SINCs). SINCs are enriched with stress response proteins, including nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat immune receptors, oxidative and DNA damage response proteins, and protein quality control machineries. Transition of NPR1 into condensates is required for formation of the NPR1-Cullin 3 E3 ligase complex to ubiquitinate SINC-localized substrates, such as EDS1 and specific WRKY transcription factors, and promote cell survival during ETI. Their analysis of SINCs suggests that NPR1 is centrally integrated into the cell death or survival decisions in plant immunity by modulating multiple stress-responsive processes in this quasi-organelle.
Genomes of the Banyan Tree and Pollinator Wasp Provide Insights into Fig-Wasp Coevolution
Banyan trees are distinguished by their extraordinary aerial roots. The Ficus genus includes species that have evolved a species-specific mutualism system with wasp pollinators. We sequenced genomes of the Chinese banyan tree, F. microcarpa, and a species lacking aerial roots, F. hispida, and one wasp genome coevolving with F. microcarpa, Eupristina verticillata. Comparative analysis of the two Ficus genomes revealed dynamic karyotype variation associated with adaptive evolution. Copy number expansion of auxin-related genes from duplications and elevated auxin production are associated with aerial root development in F. microcarpa. A male-specific AGAMOUS paralog, FhAG2, was identified as a candidate gene for sex determination in F. hispida. Population genomic analyses of Ficus species revealed genomic signatures of morphological and physiological coadaptation with their pollinators involving terpenoid- and benzenoid-derived compounds. These three genomes offer insights into and genomic resources for investigating the geneses of aerial roots, monoecy and dioecy, and codiversification in a symbiotic system.
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