
Showing posts from 2019

Plant Biology Highlights: Cell Articles 2019

It is the last post on plant biology highlights on CNS (Cell, Nature, Science) paper published in 2019. Plant biology stories published in Cell this year are brought into one place to this blog post. You will find the collection of Cell articles (plant biology stories) from 2018 at the end of this post. Best wishes to everyone who are reading the blog and hope for more exciting sciences in coming 2020. Happy New year!  The Root Cap Cuticle: A Cell Wall Structure for Seedling Establishment and Lateral Root Formation The root cap surrounding the tip of plant roots is thought to protect the delicate stem cells in the root meristem. They discovered that the first layer of root cap cells is covered by an electron-opaque cell wall modification resembling a plant cuticle. Cuticles are polyester-based protective structures considered exclusive to aerial plant organs. Mutations in cutin biosynthesis genes affect the composition and ultrastructure of this cuticular structure, co...

Plant Biology Highlights: Science Articles 2019

As a continuation of plant biology CNS (Cell, Nature, Science) paper highlights, here are the articles published in Science in 2019. Plant biology stories appeared on three issues of Science cover ( Feb 8 - Volume 363 - Issue 6427; Apr 5 - Volume 364 - Issue 6435 ; Aug 2 - Volume 365 - Issue 6452 ). At the end of the post, you will find the collection of Science articles published in 2018 as well. Enjoy! Synthetic glycolate metabolism pathways stimulate crop growth and productivity in the field Photorespiration is required in C3 plants to metabolize toxic glycolate formed when ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase oxygenates rather than carboxylates ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate. Depending on growing temperatures, photorespiration can reduce yields by 20 to 50% in C3 crops. Inspired by earlier work, they installed into tobacco chloroplasts synthetic glycolate metabolic pathways that are thought to be more efficient than the native pathway. Flux through the syntheti...

Plant Biology Highlights: Nature Articles 2019

I am doing this plant biology CNS (Cell - Nature - Science) paper highlights since 2016. Every winter break, it is a fun job for me to do. I enjoy as much as writing a New Year card to my favorite person. It is also a reminder for myself that lots of great science are going on and I have to do better next year and keep trying to make a difference. Here, I have previewed plant biology stories published this year in Nature.  Mobile PEAR transcription factors integrate positional cues to prime cambial growth   Apical growth in plants initiates upon seed germination, whereas radial growth is primed only during early ontogenesis in procambium cells and activated later by the vascular cambium. Although it is not known how radial growth is organized and regulated in plants, this system resembles the developmental competence observed in some animal systems, in which pre-existing patterns of developmental potential are established early on. Here they show that in A...